Bayerisches Essen im Restaurant Herzogliches Gasthaus Altes Bad in Wildbad Kreuth am Tegernsee

The cuisine is oriented towards the specialities of Tegernsee: we prepare local products into tasty dishes. All ingredients come from selected local partners.


Traditional cuisine


The Herzogliches Gasthaus Altes Bad stands for heartiness, generosity and honesty. What's on the table is a reflection of nature in Kreuth: game and mushrooms directly from the neighboring forests, fresh trout and char from the neighboring ducal fish farm and ingredients from selected partners in the region, because proximity and quality are very important here.



Extract from our menu


To start, a bread spread is served with wild garlic, caper and salt butter. For the main course, we serve (for example) grilled duck or, on Sundays, the traditional roast pork for the whole family. Fresh fish from the ducal fish farm, in-house homemade pasta with game tips or asparagus (depending on the season) and beef fillet tartare with caper butter round off the culinary experience. For dessert, for example, apricot dumplings are served and, of course, our Kaiserschmarrn should not go unmentioned.


Historic parlours


Freshly whitewashed, the walls of the four parlours glow, and artistic Lüftl paintings entwine around the windows and doors. Finely brushed acorn tendrils provide regional flair. Here there are ash-blond spruce benches, covered with fine leather and fitted with cushions whose linen covers are also something special. Not only the stone and wooden floors, but also the 19th-century pendant lights with flower-painted glass shades are original, the heavy oak tops of the guesthouse tables are freshly refurbished.



Find a table

You want to visit us in the Herzogliches Gasthaus Altes Bad? We'd love you to be our guest!

Reserve your table online or via phone:

+49 (0) 8029 304